Textile swatches
Today's post features a hodge-podge collection of textile swatches presented with a minimum of commentary and contextualization. We'll be back to our usual posts next week. In the meantime, enjoy these striking textiles! Designed as European countries moved towards the fierce battles of World War II, these toy soldiers were probably used to decorate the bedroom of a young boy.
Printed cotton, probably a furnishing fabric C. 1938 Gift of Roberta Tuller 2006.865.9
This whimsical cat and mouse print is very similar to some of the prints seen in the Miu Miu Spring 2010 Ready-to-Wear show. The paper tag seen at the top of the image indicates that this was a sample. Three of the five colorways are visible.
Silk crepe textile samples c. 1938 Gift of Roberta Tuller 2006.865.14
Do nautical motifs ever go out of fashion?
Printed cotton c. 1938 Gift of Roberta Tuller 2006.865.10
The textile below is another of our Wiener Werkstatte textile swatches. We are still in the process of documenting this large collection of textile swatches! Wish us luck!
"Gazelle" textile pattern Franz Fochler Wiener Werkstatte 1911-12 Gift of Robert Fortunoff 99.274.99