Friday Wrap: Reading & Watching
An occasional round-up of articles, events, exhibitions, and other information of interest. This week, we share a fascinating read, a festive perfume bottle, and footage of historic garments in action.
Do you document your museum visits by taking lots of pictures? Recent research suggests that snapping photos of your favorite exhibits might decrease your ability to remember the objects on display. After visiting a museum and taking numerous photos, research subjects remembered fewer details about an object if they'd taken its picture. By taking photos, you're effectively outsourcing your memory to the camera. Something to think about the next time you're tempted to take a picture!
"Ting-a-Ling" Perfume Bottle
Lucien Lelong
c. 1949
Gift of Monique Fink
Decorated with functioning bells, the Ting-a-Ling perfume bottle is one of the most charming and festive bottles in our extensive collection of Parfums Lucien Lelong packaging and ephemera. Though designed to hold two fragrances, this bottle (probably a prototype) is empty. With its tiny bells and green/gold packaging, Ting-a-Ling was intended for holiday gift-giving. A 1949 advertisement suggested: "Wise men will bring gifts by Lucien Lelong" including "Ting-a-Ling...perfume heralded by tiny sleigh bells."1
If you've followed our blog over the last several years, you'll know that dress historian, collector, and dealer Doris Langley Moore has always fascinated Associate Curator Christina Johnson. Last year, Christina presented research on Doris Langley Moore at the Costume Colloquium conference in Florence, Italy. In 1957, Moore created Men, Women and Clothes, a multi-part series on this history of fashion, for the BBC. The first BBC series filmed in color, it is worth watching for its footage of wonderful historic garments on live models. Though this is no longer considered a reputable way to display and study historic dress, it's fascinating to see the garments in motion. You'll find Men Women and Clothes-How Fashions Come and Go Parts One & Two here.
1 "I. Magnin Advertisement." Los Angeles Times (Dec. 18, 1949): 5.